
Crossing the Border Between Tibet and Sichuan, Artists Negotiate with Ethnic Landscape in the Ongoing Chengdu Biennale

Crossing the Border Between Tibet and Sichuan, Artists Negotiate with Ethnic Landscape in the Ongoing Chengdu Biennale

How do ethnic minority artists join the mainstream contemporary Chinese art discourse?
These artworks,featured in the exhibition come from diverse cultural background, tend to go unmentioned, disregarded, generally underrepresented in the mainstream discourse of contemporary Chinese art. The Chengdu Biennale aims to bring these artworks into the spotlight.

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Chengdu Biennale opened in December, signaling China’s initiative to pivot westward

Soft-opened on Nov 6th, 2021, the state-funded Chengdu Biennale scheduled to run through Apr 6th, 2022, the Chengdu Biennale is held at Chengdu Tianfu Art Park,whichindicates a growing interest on the part of the government to develop Chengdu coupled with Chongqing in the “Twin City Economic Circle” into an important economic and political anchor in the southwestern region of China.

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2021 Chengdu Biennale

2021 Chengdu Biennale

The 2021 Biennale is filling two huge and brand new museums, is composed of 8 sectional exhibitions curated by a total of 16 curators. In this first of a series of blog entries on the Chengdu Biennale, we’ll simply outline the 8 sectional exhibitions. We’ll focus on them in blog entries.

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