Explore “Or is it Second Nature” :

Guided Tour of Chongqing Women’s Culture Promotion Association

On the 27th of November, 2024, at 2:30 in the afternoon, under the invitation of Huang Zhonghua, the Director of the Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art and a Public Welfare Ambassador for the Chongqing Women’s Culture Promotion, Professor Sophia Kidd assumed the role of a docent, guiding members of the Chongqing Women’s Culture Promotion Association and the public through the “Or is it Second Nature” exhibition at the Chongqing Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art. Professor Kidd’s expert elucidations served as the key to unlock the audience’s profound appreciation of the art world, enabling them to immerse in the unique allure and profound essence of artistic expression.

“Or is it Second Nature” traverses from the nuanced observations of everyday life to the deep reflection on monumental themes, offering a multitude of perspectives and a wealth of inner worlds. The exhibition is a composite of the creative endeavors of numerous artists, showcasing a variety of mediums including paintings, sculptures, and installations. Visitors can admire the vibrant hues and meticulous brushwork in the paintings, the dynamic lines and profound meanings in the sculptures, the distinctive spatial expressions and innovative concepts in the installation art, and the evocative creations that incite contemplation. Each piece conveys emotion with intensity, interpreting “Or is it Second Nature” through diverse lenses.

Join us as we continue to uncover the allure and significance of art on this guided tour.














