Igneus Press New Books

Is this the year you’ll become 

an international author?

Will you make resolution to find 

international collectors of your art? 

Does the new you break through 

language barriers?




As Maugham said, “Reading is a portable refuge.” In the torrent of life, we are all on our own, as if we were islands. But books are like bridges that connect millions of lonely souls across time and space. It allows us to find resonance between the lines, through the author’s brushstrokes, resonate with people we have never met, and rely on each other in silence. In 2024, Igneus Press brought out six new publications, including books of poetry, art, and scholarly academic publications:

Igneus Press (Found in 1989)

Founded in 1989, Igneus Press is Yan Er Lu’s United States publishing partner.

About the publishers

(1947-2020) Born in Springfield, Illinois, Peter Kidd grew up in New England, where his father worked as a New York corporate executive. After attending Columbia University, Kidd sailed out of Brooklyn on a Yugoslavian freighter to Tangier, Morocco, where he spent the next three years writing his first book, before spending time in London and Canada.

Peter founded lgneus Press in 1989 which has published more than 50 books of poetry and plays to date. Upon Peter Kidd’s passing, his daughter, Sophia Kidd, took on Igneus Press, continuing to publish books of poetry. Sophia has expanded Igneus to publish translations of poetry, arts writing, and academic journals by Chinese writers, artists, and scholars.


Literature and Modern China

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)

Chinese Science Fiction

Guest Edited by Song Mingwei

Literature and Modern China 《文學與現代中國》(LMC) is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to all aspects of Chinese literature and literary culture from roughly 1840 to contemporary times. Its mission is to serve as a bridge between the Chinese-speaking and English-speaking worlds of Chinese literature and literary study. It is sponsored and supported by Sichuan University’s College of Literature and Journalism. Printing and publishing services are provided by Igneus Press.

The journal focuses on Chinese literature and culture of the modern and contemporary periods. It is open to all academic approaches to topics including history, criticism…, and translation studies. We encourage diverse theoretical perspectives. We welcome work from scholars, critics, translators, graduate students, authors, and all other knowledgeable individuals. If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration, please visit our submissions page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the managing editor.

Paper Boats

Poems by Steve Luttrell


One comes to know
the texture of the earth

moving and re-moving it
in turns.

Hardpack and mud-slush
shovel full and bucket

with hands coarse and
calloused, like the knots

and burls of
an ancient tree

grown hoary with
age and weather

grown strong with
unceasing labor.

The gravedigger’s hands
hold a memory

and a feeling for
forgotten things

and the cold-gray
logic of the stone.

The gravedigger’s hands
can offer no redemption

but can and will
fulfill one’s final need.

–Excerpt from Paper Boats, Poems by Steve Luttrell (Igneus Press, 2024)



Ekphrastic Writing by Jack Foley 

with Collages by Mark Fisher

West Coast poet Jack Foley (1940- ) has published 20 books of poetry, 5 books of criticism, a book of stories, and a two-volume, 1300-page “chronoencyclopedia,” Visions & Affiliations: California Poetry 1940-2005. He became well known through his multi-voiced performances with his late wife, Adelle. He currently performs with his new life partner, Sangye Land. Since 1988, he has presented poetry on Berkeley, CA radio station KPFA. He has received Lifetime Achievement Awards from Marquis Who’s Who and the Berkeley Poetry Festival as well as the K.M. Anthru Award from the Indian publication, Litterateur RW. June 5, 2010 was declared “Jack Foley Day” in Berkeley. His most recent books include the companion volumes The Light of Evening, a brief autobiography, and A Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads, a psychobiography of the poet’s mind; Bridget and Other Poems, a selection of Jack’s work edited and translated by German poet, Andreas Weiland; and Collisions, a volume of new poems.

Mark Fisher is an underground poet, visual artist and member of the International Novatrix Infinitesimal (commonlyreferred to as INI, an avant-garde movement based in Italy which rejects labels, categorization, definition and cultural lineage.) His work has been featured in various publications over the years. Married to Maryclaire Wellinger, painter and poet. Studied painting and drawing at the San Francisco Academy of Art. A tax professional now retired, Mark was employed by multinational High Tech Public Corporations and CPA firms overthe course of thirty years. He is also the Former Treasurer and Events Organizer for Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! Co-founder of The Invisibles (when a poem appears, the poet disappears.) Former roadie for the late John Sinclair, Poet, Activist and Blues Scholar. Last known occupation: Uber Driver.

Andreas Weiland, also known as Andre Jadis and Wei Lan-de, was born in Europe in the mid-1940s. He has been writing poems since 1961 and published poetry since 1966. After studying literature, philosophy and sociology, he taught 20th Century German Literature as well as “essay writing” (in English and German) at Tamkang, a liberal arts college in 淡水 Tamsui.

His most recent poetry books are The Blackness of Black: Poems in Memory of Nan Hoover (Stonybrook Editions)



Poems in this bilingual edition were originally written in English (largely in the 1970s) with a recent translation to German.


A Circle of No Stars

Poems by William Kemmett

Poet William Kemmett was raised in Boston, Massachusetts, studied poetry at Harvard University, and holds an MFA in writing from Vermont College of Norwich University. This collection spans decades and seasons of gardening, raising children, and growing up in a city of brick and molasses, hustle and forgiveness.

His poems have appeared in the United States, Canada, Australia, Thailand, China, and India, in numerous magazines and journals including Yankee MagazineCimarron ReviewPoetry AustraliaMother IndiaSeattle ReviewCalliope, and The Café Review, among others. He is a 2015 Pushcart Prize nominee, has won two Yankee Magazine poetry prizes, and received awards from the Massachusetts Artists Foundation and the New England Poetry Club.

Kemmett presently lives with his wife in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, finding inspiration at the Marina at St. Lucie River.

Entangled: a collaboration across time and space

Edited by Melinda A. Smith & deb Ewing

When the world shut down, many of us felt alone, like we were floating in soundless space. We couldn’t hug each other, couldn’t move through the world. And some of us didn’t need a pandemic to feel isolated.

Enter a small but vast online poetry community that changed everything.

We learned that our words have the power to affect another person’s entire life experience, even across cities, states, countries, and continents. No social distance is too wide for our words. No oceans can keep us apart. We are entangled.

Entangled: a collaboration across time and space (Igneus Press, 2023) 152 pages